South Tyrolean environmental activist Magdalena Gschnitzer sets out on a quest for hope -

a very personal journey with many ups and downs.

Maggy firmly believes that no one is too small to make a difference in the world and inspire others.
On her journey, she meets people who are working for animal rights, equality and biodiversity.
How did these people become beacons of hope?
What adversities do they face and how do they manage,
to keep going despite all the suffering in the world - in contrast to Maggy's partner Youen, who took his own life?

"HOPE" depicts Maggy's deep personal search for meaning from "not giving up"
and continuing on despite many bad events. It is at the same time the portrait of a woman
who goes her way through life with great strength.

The first filming of HOPE took place in 2018, when Maggy and Youen started this film project together.
Many events, a pandemic and Youen's suicide changed not only Maggy's life,
but also the design and story of HOPE.

Watch the first trailer from this formative stage here:

"Sometimes I ask myself, how to make a documentary about hope, when it can be so difficult to keep it.

And then I see all these amazing people who are working so hard to create a better future

or I take the time to watch animals and enjoy nature.

Then I keep reminding myself why I don't give up.

Hope is everywhere! Many people have simply forgotten that they themselves

can be bearers of hope.

This film is an invitation to you to stand up for your values." 

- speaker, writer, activist and film maker Magdalena Gschnitzer

The world needs more of those films, that touch people's hearts and share that hope,

that may not always be visible.

You have the chance to be part of HOPE

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in different ways:

You want to see your logo on the big screen?

Support the production of HOPE and find out about this option, by sending us an e-mail

As a private supporter you can donate to the Association "Project HOPE" that was created to produce this important movie and to support different projects of the activist Magdalena Gschnitzer:

As Patreon you will not only receive updates on HOPE,

but you'll receive also many other exclusive insight views on Maggy's projects:

"We all have dreams! Far too often we don't follow them,

just because we don't know HOW to make them happen. 

My dream was to make a documentary, that inspires as many people as possible

to take action for this beautiful world.

In my dreams, this world is a place, where all living beings are treated with respect. 

As an activist it is not an easy task to always see this dream come true.

But I have been privileged to meet so many incredible people and organizations,

who protect this planet with all of their hearts. 

This gives me hope day after day. 

My dream of making a film about hope is a very big one.

When asked, HOW to do it, I didn't know the answer for a while. But my WHY was so strong, that I didn't want to wait any longer for the answer to the HOW. 

In this video you will get some insights into the shooting of 2018

and at the same time I want to motivate you to live your dream too!


"It's time we fall in love again with this beautiful world!

I'm convinced what we love, we protect."

The video "Wonders of Life" shares with you some of the beautiful moments during Maggy's shooting.

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